
To receive a high estimation at an exhibition, the dog should be in so-called " exhibition standard ". It means, that first of all it should be healthy, not fat and not exhausted, with correctly advanced muscles; the wool should be in the full order, and at some breeds also is properly made out. Preparation of a dog for an exhibition start not later, than for three months, and at long-haired or wire-haired breeds even earlier.
The first stage of preparation provides an eutrophy and care of a wool. The dog is recommended to be combed daily a crest and to brush: it reaches removal of fading hair and a underfur, the massage of a body stimulating growth of a new wool. It is enough of it for short-haired breeds if in addition to bathe such dogs in warm water. It is necessary to use a qualitative soap or shampoo, rinsing a wool pure water and well wiping.
Long-haired breeds require already more laborious and careful care. So at setters, spaniels, German long-haired hounds it is necessary to pull out fingers (not scissors!), overgrow hair on separate parts of a body. Special care is demanded with bathing long-haired dogs as at washing the wool is degreased, becomes easy, tousled and forms curls or waves. That is why the long-haired dog should be bathed not later, than for a week for exhibitions so that with the help of a crest and a brush to have time to give to a wool a correct direction. Care for wire-haired dogs should be same. To such breeds, it is especial to terriers, the exact standard of the form and processing of a wool is ordered. It is reached with the help of a hairstyle or trimming, with use of various adaptations: machines for a hairstyle, a knife for trimming, scissors and metal crests.
Processing of a wool up to exhibition standard, as a rule, is carried out stage by stage that in day of an exhibition the wool on different parts of a body could grow till standard length.
On all an extent of an exhibition the owner should pay attention to the dog as it requires support of the person in conditions of vanity, to nervousness and a unusual feed. Those dogs who get on an exhibition for the first time especially are nervous.
There is a lot of rules, established by administration of this or that exhibition, to carry out which follows strictly. Owner should walk his dog only in place specially allocated for it. On a ring the dog should be shown in the best form. On a ring of ex-terrier estimations of dogs they should be in easy collars without medals and counters.
For default by owners of dogs of the rules established at an exhibition, for autocratic leaving of a dog from an exhibition, and also for changes in its appearance, not stipulated by the standard (with a view of concealment of lacks), under the decision of exhibition committee the dog can be not allowed to examination, is removed from a ring, is deprived the awarded awards. Read more ->
Sports titles and designations
For examination at an exhibition dogs should be divide on breed, a sex and age. On age of them allocate as follows: younger group - from 10 months up to 1,5 years; average group - from 1,5 till 2,5 years; old group - from 2,5 till 9 years. Depending on age to an animal certain requirements are showed,
For example:
Dogs of younger age differ incomplete forming, underdeveloped muscles; the head has not accepted the final form, movements are not free. In this connection the estimation "perfectly" is not awarded.
Dogs of average age group are characterized by completeness of growth, but have thus a number of nonformalized features: absence of the advanced muscles, insufficient width of a trunk.
In the senior age group of a dog differ the finished development and the best forms. They keep on a ring confidently and with advantage.
Dogs with attributes of an old age, aging, with consequences of traumas, wounds have no right on privileges at removal of estimations.
First of all experts carry out biological survey of dogs (a bite, the complete set, a condition of enamel and presence of the broken teeth, the lock of canines, etc.) and check of dogs on criptorchism. Then owners with dogs are invited to a ring for examination where competition of dogs is examined. At their movement experts pay attention to their breed, features of the constitution, proportionality, or a harmonicity of addition, a format, standard, a structure of finitenesses, a condition of the crest, backs, waists, a manner to hold a tail and movements. The special attention is given to constitutional distinction between a dog and and bitch
After careful survey of each dog experts again actuate a ring of dogs and make a new arrangement, determining a final place of a dog on a ring. After the announcement of estimations of the judge start the description of the ex-terrier of a dog which results will be worn out in a registration card.
At exhibitions of hunting dogs in hound section there are two more rings - a ring of bowes and a ring of flights.
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