Monday, November 07, 2005

Part 1: Castration, general datum, methods.

People concern to a question of castration of pets differently, but always this theme causes many disputes, disagreements and doubts among owners of cats and, especially, dogs. One are convinced, that thus solve a number of problems and facilitate a life to the favourites, others prove the opposite and assure what to interfere with the nature will be not humane. Who is right?
Let's try to understand.
The word "castration" has taken place from latin "castratio" - is the termination of sexual activity by removal sexual ferri lactas surgical methods or infringements of their function by other ways. (the Veterinary Encyclopaedic Dictionary). To surgical methods of castration males concern removal spermary and fastening / cutting seed tube - ways receipt from them spermatozoons. For shefemales delete ovaries, the uterus or is tied up with ways on which ootids move ahead in a uterus. A method of castration choose depending on the purpose - to make an animal fruitless, to remove preventing owners sexual behaviour or there are any medical indications.
The sexual maturity, i.e. ability to duplication at cats comes at 6-7 monthly age, at cats - in 6-12 months, for dogs are characteristic about the same terms: bitches has the first heat usually during the period from 6 till 12 months, dogs are capable to duplication of 6-month's age. There are also pedigree features, for example, at dogs of large breeds, Eskimo dogs, Siberian husky, the British cats usually sexual maturity comes a little bit later - from 8 up to 18-month's age. The period between heats can vary, but in norm is constant for each dog - from 5 till 12 months, fluctuations of a sexual cycle more than for a month testifies to disease. Heat duration at dogs of 11-28 days, on the average 3 weeks. At cats other picture: heat 3-6 days every month last, but normal it is considered also other variant - 3-5 day time breaks at constant attributes heat.


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