Sunday, September 18, 2005

Age of Your Dog

I want to show you two little tables. First is to define the age of your dog in comparison with human, the second one will be about how to define age of your dog on a condition of it's teeth.
Definition of the age of a dog according to Nemand :
The first year of a dog's life - 14 Human's years
The second year of a dog's life - +7 Human's years
Each next year of a dog's life - +5 Human's years

Definition of the age of a dog on a condition of it's teeth :
3-4 week - growth of the first teeth
4-5 month - the beginning of the teeth changing
6 month - the ending of the teeth changing
1,5 year - the central cutters of the bottom jaw are erased
2,5 years - the middle cutters of the bottom jaw are erased
3,5 years - the central cutters of the top jaw are erased
4,5 years - the middle cutters of the top jaw are erased
5 years - traces of deleting on canines
5,5 years - the extreme cutters of the bottom jaw are erased
6 years - the extreme cutters of the top jaw are erased
8-9 years - the cutters has cross-section-oval rubbing surface
10-12 years - loss of the central cutters
12-16 years - loss of the rest cutters
16-20 years - loss of the canines


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