Friday, September 16, 2005

New 2006 Year-The Year of a Fiery Dog

Some words about China horoscope : next year, on the Far East lunar calendar, start on the 22-d of January, but Chinese people don’t worry too much that almost all people in the world will celebrate the New Year in the night on the 1-st of January. Lunar calendar divided into 12 five years cycles, where each of 12 animals conform one by one five elements – wood, fire, water, land and metal. And each of the elements has a color – red, yellow, white, black. The twelve-year cycle end with the Fiery Dog and Fiery Pig Years.

On February, 10 on January, 1910-29 1911: the Metal Dog

On January, 28 1922 - on February, 15 1923: the Water Dog

On February, 14 1934 - on February, 3 1935: the Wooden Dog

On February, 2 on January, 1946-21 1947: the Fiery Dog

On February, 18 1958 - on February, 7 1959: the Earthen Dog

On February, 6 1970 - on January, 26 1971: the Metal Dog

On January, 25 1982 - on February, 12 1983: the Water Dog

On February, 10 1994 - on January, 30 1995: the Wooden Dog

On January, 29 2006 - on February, 17 2007: the Fiery Dog

The characteristic on signs on the Zodiac born in one year of the Dog

ARIES- the Dog of war. Makes the way through a fog. True hound.

TAURUS - the True Dog. But is less cynical and it is perspicacious, than others.

GEMINI - the Scientific Dog. Has kind heart.

The CANCER - the Sensitive Dog. Excessively vulnerable.

The LEO- Creates a lot of noise, barks much to surpass the opponents.

The VIRGO - this high-tech Dog. Will not give itself to carry away to a case.

LIBRA - very soft character. It is a little diplomacy.

SCORPIO - the Furious Dog. Do not trust its fighting item.

SAGITTARIUS - the Vigorous Dog. Anything will not stop it.

STAR SIGN CAPRICORN - the Cautious Dog, it is possible to expect for it, but it is restless.

AQUARIUS - the Scientific Dog. The intellectual in the environment.

PISCES - the Original Dog. Has interest to swimming.

Famous people, were born in the Dog Year:

Elvis Presly, Bridgit Bordo, David Bowie, Sharon Stoun, Andre Agassi…


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4:11 PM  
Blogger NV said...

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4:44 PM  

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