Feed Cycle. Article 1.

In an organism of a dog constantly occur complex of the chemical and biological processes during which the part of the substances received with a forage, is spent for maintenance of normal physiological functions. In this connection in an organism with a forage such vital substances, as fibers, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and also mineral substances and water should act in enough and in a proper correlation.
For normal ability to live and maintenance of a healthy condition the dog should eat on a regular basis. Food stuffs provide an organism of an animal with nutrients, mineral salts, microcells, vitamins and in any measure water. The needs of dogs for the certain nutrients is various. It is connected to different factors: age of an animal, its physiological condition, a season, a place of residing.
It is required to puppies, and also pregnant and feeding dogs of fiber much more. It speaks that the growing organism demands a lot of "a building material ", and bitch, rearing puppies, should provide through milk the posterity not only antibodies, vitamins, hormones, but also mineral salts, including the most valuable for an organism microcells.
All nutrients which are included in a diet of feeding of a dog, go on coverings of power expenses, therefore saturability of a dog, or its appetite, also depends on nutritiousness of the forage prepared by us. And if a necessary minimum of saturation of a dog achieve, superfluous nutrients are allocated with excrements and urine or postponed in a liver, other bodies and a hypodermic - fatty layer. But in an organism of a dog there is determined limit behind which some nutrients become harmful and result an animal in various painful conditions.
At feeding a dog it is necessary to remember, that in an organism all nutrients cooperate among themselves.
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