Part 2: Choosing the right method of castration for the male.
Now we need to understand with methods of castration and to pick up suitable for ours pet. At the seed tubes fastening on which spermatozoons we leave from spermary shall block it a way and we shall make impossible fertilisation but as spermary will stay in an organism, they will continue to allocate sexual hormones in blood and sexual behavior will be kept. Easier speaking, the cat will as mark furniture in the house, to shout at night and to search for cats, but posterity to receive from him already begins impossible.
It is necessary to note also display of aggression at animals. The nature of it is very complex, but depends on a hormonal condition of an animal. If a level of testosterone in blood of a cat, for example, sharply to lower, having removed speramries his desire to fight, mark surrounding subjects will be gone, i.e. the sexual behavior will disappear and aggression will decrease. At dogs it is territorial and hierarchical aggression (it is usual her level at bitches much below), i.e. fights with other dogs, aggression in relation to owners, is more often from it children and older persons in family where there is a dog suffer.
After spermary removal dogs, smells on a grass, cats and other dogs as before involve, but desire «to find out attitudes» with relatives disappears, they stop interesting in bitches during the heat period. The majority of dogs continues to lift a paw at trees and columns, is especial at castration in the age of is more senior than year. They are capable to fight and stand for themselves, but the desire to get involved in fight will be gone. Animals become quiet, the some people (but not all ! ) a little bit phlegmatic. This operation is rather simple, is carried out under the general anesthesia, therefore the animal does not feel a pain and does not test unpleasant sensations. In general, at such method of castration of a dog and cats cease to annoy the owners undesirable behaviour, thus character of them does not vary almost.
Negative consequences of castration:
1) Adiposity (at some dogs and cats after castration appetite raises, it arises if not to limit them in meal)
2) The increased risk of development of urolithic illness (urolithic illness in 7 times meets among castrated cats is more often)
3) Dogs can have illness - cryptorchism. It when one or both of the spermaries are not in sac, and in a belly cavity (in a stomach) or under a leather (in inguinal channel). In norm spermaries should develop at lower temperature, than a body temperature and if they do not fall in sac where the temperature makes 32-33. With, remain underdeveloped, but can function. Thus such spermaries in 10 times turn to tumours is more often. Attentively examine your pet and if will notice attributes of cryptorhism immediately address to the veterinary.
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