Part 3: Choose the right method of castration for the female.
Castration bitches carry out by the removal female sexual ferri lactas - ovaries or destroy ways of receipt ootids in a body of a uterus. At fastening these ways bitch remains fruitless with a normal sexual cycle, i.e. regular heating. For the heat termination delete ovaries, and it is desirable to delete during castration ovaries and a uterus since the uterus after castration has no functional value, but can inflame, that will cause of repeated operation.
Negative consequences for bitches:
1) According to researches at ovaries removal at bitches up to the first heat the risk of development of a cancer dairy ferri lactas further is reduced in 10 times.
2) The animal can remain the puppy or a kitten for all life. Children's expression of a muzzle will be kept, there will be a children's wool...
3) The rare consequence of the bitch's castration in weight more than 25 kg - involuntary utination - meets at 1 dog from thousand.
Negative consequences for bitches:
1) According to researches at ovaries removal at bitches up to the first heat the risk of development of a cancer dairy ferri lactas further is reduced in 10 times.
2) The animal can remain the puppy or a kitten for all life. Children's expression of a muzzle will be kept, there will be a children's wool...
3) The rare consequence of the bitch's castration in weight more than 25 kg - involuntary utination - meets at 1 dog from thousand.
According to our exotic pet vet Due to their high oral bioavailability synthetic progestagens are used for therapy, hormone replacement therapy, and contraception There are different types of progestogens. There are progesterone derivatives, nortestosterone derivatives (13-methyl-gonanes and 13-ethyl-gonanes), spironolactone derivatives and norpregnane derivatives which differ in their efficacy and hormonal profile.
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